Teluk Nare to Gili Air

If you are on Lombok and you are planning to visit Gili Air, you can easily book your transfer on this website. All you need to do is use the search box on the top of this page, choose your location on Lombok, destination as Gili Air and preferred travel time. Teluk Nare is a tiny harbor from where you can conveniently take a speedboat to Gili Air or other Gili islands such as Gili T or Gili Meno. This harbor is used as a stopping point for the fast boats arriving from Bali or the Gili Islands. Teluk Nare is located in the northern part of Lombok between Senggigi and Bangsal Harbor.

You can take a public baot from Bangsal Harbor to the Gili Islands which is very cheap, however there's a few things to be aware of if you decide to try this: The boats usually only leave once full so you may be waiting awhile before deaparting, besides this the vessel will be slow and not up to usual western safety and comfort standards. Additionally, Bangsal harbour  is renowned for having a lot of hawkers and scammers trying to take advantage of tourists. 

This is why it is highly recommended to pre-book your transfer and take a private speedboat from Teluk Nare in order to avoid hassle. If you are planning to visit Gili Air and you are staying on Lombok, then Teluk Nare Harbor is a perfect spot to take your speedboat. This harbor is located less than 10 minutes away from Gili Air. As a less busy and conjected departure point, many boat companies operate between this harbor and the Gili Islands instead of Bangsal.

If you are staying in Lombok and not far away from the harbor of Teluk Nare, this is the quickest way to get to Gili Air. Simply perform a search on this website, fill out your details, choose your travel dates and book your tickets today!

Teluk Nare to Gili Air

Travel distance from Teluk Nare to Gili Air by speed boat


Gili Air

Gili Meno Gili T Teluk Nara





Gili Air x 5 mins

10 mins

5 mins

Gili Meno

5 mins x 5 mins 10 mins
Gili T 10 mins

5 mins

x 10 mins

Teluk Nara

5 mins 10 mins 10 mins x