Senggigi to Bangsal Harbour

To book your transfer from Senggigi to Bangsal Harbour and check prices please use the search box above.

Boat and land transfers are available from Senggigi and Bangsal harbor to the Gili Islands. Bangsal is a small port located in the north part of Lombok. From Bangsal you can take small public boats to the Gili Islands. The harbour connects Lombok and the Gili islands, including Gili Meno, Gili Air and Gili Trawangan. The only reason why you should visit Bangsal is if you wish to get a local public boat to the Gili Islands. If you are staying around Senggigi or other popular areas on Lombok, we recommend you to book land transfer by using the search box on this website. From Senggigi to Bangsal harbor is only 35 minutes’ drive. However, the best way to reach the Gili island is by a speedboat from Teluk Nare harbor.

The total journey time from Senggigi to the Gili Islands is only 45 minutes. A private car will pick you up from your hotel and will drive you to the small harbor. You can also get a public transport to Bangsal from Senggigi, however, if it is your first time on Lombok the best way is to book a private speedboat via Teluk Nare. This will be the most hassle free option, avoiding having to barter a price in Bangsal and pay the local tourist taxes. You should be aware of scammers in the area, so if you want to avoid this situation it's best to book your tickets online. Also note the public boats from Bangsal to the Gili Islands usually leave only when there are enough passengers and sometimes can even be overloaded. If you prefer safety and comfort for an affordable price, you should definitely pre book a speed boat transfer with us using the search box above.


Senggigi to Bangsal Harbour

Travel distance from Senggigi to Bangsal harbour by car

Arrival point:

Bangsal Harbour


Departure point:

Travel Time:

Travel  Time:
Bangsal Harbour x 40 mins


40 mins x